Lëre mellefin e syve të pranojë rrjedhën e lumit Lëre urrejtjen të kthehet në paqe pas valëve të oqeanit Lëre besimin të mbrojë shpellat e mendjes që të shpien në dritë Leri ngjyrat e muzikës të të perqafojnë me gëzimin e dashurisë!
Erëmira Çitaku është një flautiste klasike, improvizuese, koncept & organizatore e ngjarjeve, gjithmonë e hapur për ide të reja, eksperimente dhe bashkëpunime me artistë nga të gjitha zhanret e artit. Ajo u diplomua në Fakultetin e Arteve të Prishtinës (2001) në klasën e prof. Venera M. Kajtazi. Në vitin 2003 ajo u specializua në "Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris - Alfred Cortot" / klasa e Pierre Yves Artaud. Në Universitetin e Ri Bullgar ajo mori titullin "Master" (2008), ndërsa në vitin 2014, në të njëjtin universitet mori titullin "Doktor" / klasa e prof. Lidia Oshavkova.
Erëmira Çitaku is a classical flutist, improviser, concept & organizer of the events, always open
for new ideas, experiments and collaborations with artists from all art genres. She finished PhD
in New Bulgarian University on year 2014. Graduated in the Faculty of Arts at the University of
Prishtina on year 2001.In the same year she worked in National Theatre of Prishtina on the music
of the theater play “Fausti” where she performed creative – interactive music making a dialog
with actors. In March 2002 she was awarded with a scholarship for research studies in
“Conservatoire de Musique de Genève” where she played in numerous of concert with
Conservatory Orchestra. She continued studies in France at ”Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris
Alfred Cortot” and took 3rd place award in international flute competition “Concours de flûte
Roger Bourdin”. For her higher studies in Paris she was awarded with the Full Scholarship from
French Government and Ministry of Education of Prishtina. During the year 2006 she was
awarded also with Special Price for Performing French Music at international flute competition
“Music and World” – Sofia. Erëmira played in a loot of concerts and festivals in Kosova,
Albania, USA, France, England, Norway, Italy, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Turky etc . She is
organizer of international flute festivals from 2002, in Kosova. www.new-spirit.org. With her
published video artwork she had numerous live video performances from 2008 until today in
different spaces.
2019 Concert with Kosovo Philharmonic "Flute Sounds – 9th edition" – Pristina Kosovo
2019 Concert with Flute and Harp – Pristina, Kosovo
2018 Recital Concert in the International Festival “Sofia Music Weeks” 49 th edition – Sofia, Bulgaria
2018 Recital Concert with “Trio de Soprano” – Zagreb, Croatia
2018 Recital Concert with “Trio de Soprano” – Luxemburg, Luxemburg
2018 Authorial Work for International Exhibition with Music Compositions – Vienne, Austria…
Erëmira Çitaku
Erëmira Çitaku - Liburn Jupolli “Mag Hyllus"